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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bring out your dead!

Physical ills are the taxes laid upon this wretched life; some are taxed higher, and some lower, but all pay something. 
~Lord Chesterfield

week 4: One step class and then the sickies arrived.

I apologize in advance for the lack of focus in this writing as I am streaming from a point of complete exhaustion. I have had the week from hell, and there was no hubs to be around to enjoy it with me. It was like the devil himself had me across his lap and was lashing my ass with a thick switch. Wow that sounded perverted but was not intended to be.

So the week started like any other I got the littles up and off to school and I was to the gym for my step class. I went to get the wee ones from child care when a feeling of dread washed over me. I saw it. The one thing that can turn any busy mommy white and send a shudder right down our spines. Oh the horror my daughter had a disgusting line of snot parading out her nose. Not the normal day to day mucus which we wipe and forget about. Oh no this was the kind you know means business with the worst kind of malice.  As soon as we got home I started to push the fluids and vitamins C, perhaps I could cut it off at the pass? It wasn't until I picked my eldest up from school that I realized a little black cloud had decided to nest over our house. 

Flash forward five days and we have all survived... mostly. The eldest got it first and was so kind to pass it to her siblings with lightening finesse. So after two trips to the doctor four nights of little to no sleep (for yours truly) and a countless amount of coughs and tears. We are still kicking. The baby is still getting over it but should be back to his happy drooling self in a day or two. I might take a week to get back up to speed.  Let's just say I was looking for encouragement from my Dove chocolate wrappers. 

"Be yourself and smile" FUCK YOU wrapper you don't know the week I had. Go shove your good will up your delicious ass! Whoops, sorry it has been one of those days. I am so apologetic to you sweet chocolate goodness. Take me back and I promise I won't be mean anymore... Yea its been bad.

So my journey of health was derailed this week and I was made aware of something. I really missed my gym time. I mean it too! I can't wait to get back into the swing and get my hour of "me" time back. I was so pleasantly surprised by this discovery. I am actually changing for the better!  So I am ending it there and hope to have better news for the week ahead!

Needless to say I fell back into the arms of my lover (couch) but we will be parting ways this week... Once again. It was probably him that sent this plague upon my house to have me running back to his squishy coziness. That vile, evil, plotting, deceiving piece of furniture. Davenport though art my foe!

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