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Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's not you... It's me.

 It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.  
~Mick Jagger

 Most people want to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch.   
~Robert Orben

Week 2: 3 days of Zumba, 2 of Aerobics

After much mulled over and truly considered time I have come to the decision to leave you. We just are no longer compatible. You like to hang out and I now like to get out. You want to watch T.V. all day and I want to go places. I know, I know, we have had a great run. For so long we were there for each other. Me keeping you grounded and you supporting me.

We shared many lovely evenings cuddling and watching a movie. You gave me a place to cry, laugh or just be myself. You really are the best! You don't mind my kids jumping all over you or my dogs for that matter. You don't complain when the baby spit up on you even when you just got cleaned up. Ugh! this is so hard to do. You have been the one constant in my life for so long. You don't mind if I fall asleep on your arm nor do you mind if I just sit around and read a book. We have been such wonderful companions.

Though recently I have come to realize that our relationship is toxic. You don't want me to do anything with myself. You beckon me to you when you know I have other things I need to do. You are really holding me back! That is changing now. No longer will I let your soft sweet countenance hold sway over me. We are no longer going to be as into each other as we have been these past six years. No I can't let you hold that power over me for one second more.

So that's it. It is over between us.

I hope we can remain friends and hang out occasionally perhaps even take in a movie or casual dinner sometimes. No you won't be seeing as much of me as you usually do and trust me the separation hurts me to. Oh Gosh please don't whine just think of how much longer you will have to be around if I am not with you all the time. I can see my constant affection wearing on you. It just isn't good for us to keep seeing each other like this.

And what would my husband think if he knew how much time we are spending together? So part of me is doing this for him but mostly this is for me. You are not doing me any favors on this journey by just sitting there on your laurels.

So that's it I'm done, we are through, bon voyage, hasta luego, goodbye. 

Oh and quit your bitching I will vacuum the popcorn out of you next week. Damn couch always complaining about something...

That's right I just ended my six year affair with my couch. It has been a long time between us two. So if you could just give me a moment I am getting a little ferklempt.