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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

And then life happened.

The word aerobics came about when the gym instructors got together and said, "If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it jumping up and down."  
~Rita Rudner
An hour of basketball feels like 15 minutes.  An hour on a treadmill feels like a weekend in traffic school.  
~David Walters

So as much as I would like to regale you with my epic story of spin class... it didn't happen today. I don't like to blame things on my kids but unfortunately today it was my babies little right ear that squished my exercise plans for today. However, I will be back in the gym tomorrow barring any other further calamities.

So if any of you are familiar with health insurance it is a pain in the ass to say the least. Well military health insurance adds a few extra levels of exacerbation . Causing a large boil already festering on top of a large hemorrhoid. Too vivid? Needless to say I am slightly irritated. I am grateful to have it but at times it is really hard to be grateful while bashing ones head against a brick wall. So for pretty much the good part of yesterday afternoon it was me playing nice trying to prove that yes I had had a baby (I don't think I imagined it), and yes he needed to be seen promptly (because my imaginary baby would not feel pain). Sorry but I would not lie about popping out a small one just so I can steal some more insurance money. They apparently think I have this deep seeded desire to hang out in doctors offices just so I can squeal "psyche" when the physician enters and run away in a pile of maniacal laughter. No, I have the baby and the stretch marks to prove it.

So anyways, once I finally got all the bull pocky sorted out and proved indeed my baby did exist I was stuck with the last appointment space they had available this morning. But my poor little was in some discomfort and the only time I could get him into his new doctor was  smack dab right in the middle of spin class. I won't lie part of me was a little relieved, as I am quite hesitant about spinning since needless to say I am not the most fit nor graceful of  people. This fear is being vanquished since I will be climbing on the bike this Thursday to pop the spin class cherry. If I am able to sit that afternoon I will tell you about it.

Yes today was one of those days where I just couldn't shirk the mommy duties. I am glad to say though that the little is fine and we will probably be heading into teething soon (Joy!). Even though the gym was not a possibility today, I will still fit in a workout via video. As much as I very much dislike to exercise with the kids around. It is not them it is just my utter lack of coordination that usually ends in tears be it the children or myself. Add to together clumsy mommy and perpetual moving children and it ends in disaster.  As I attempt to follow the steps I tend to maim them or I fall on my ass trying to dodge them. I nearly broke the coffee table last time trying to avoid such a scenario with the two year old. Picture Chris Farley as Matt Foley and you can get a nice image of my situation. 

Don't get me wrong I love my littles and while the hubs is deployed my only real time to myself is when I am at the gym. So yes when I don't get my gym time I get a bit moody (that's a nice way of saying bitchy). The classes might be utter torment at times causing all sorts of maladies but they are MY time. My one hour where I can clear my head and be Jules and not just mommy. Even with the thudding music, the large group of adults, and the instructor (who is pumped with prozac and endorphins I believe) there is a sort of zen to the whole experience. I am not chasing down anyone or trying to breastfeed while under the investigative eye of toddlers.

So tomorrow is a Zumba day and I will be shaking it with the granny posse. There is nothing like hearing someone my grandmothers age singing along to Christina Aguilera's  "Candyman". It is frightening and funny all at the same time.

So instead of sitting here on my laurels I am going to leave you now and get my rear in gear.

Day 5: Bollywood workout video.

I know most of us have seen this but in the falling into things and breaking them spirit here ya go!

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