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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So sorry Japan...

Day 1:

If M is the state space for the map ft, then ft displays sensitive dependence to initial conditions if for any x in M and any δ>0, there are y in M, with 0 < d(x,y) < δ such that d(fτ(x),fτ(y)) > exp(aτ)d(x,y).

Other wise known as the "Butterfly effect"

No I am not talking about that god awful movie with Ashton Kutcher and the fat guy from My name is Earl, no I am  talking about the theory of chaos.

So if a simple flutter of a butterflies wings can cause a tsunami in another part of the world I hate to think what the shaking of my ass did in Zumba today. In advance I am sorry Japan. I cannot however, be blamed for yesterdays earthquake on the east coast so put your fingers down.

It was definitely exercise and I was definitely put to shame by all the grandmas that were shaking it and nailing every dance move. While I was staring in earnest at the trainer like a lost puppy trying my damnedest not to fall on my face. Will I do it again? Yes, even though at the end of the experience my face had the likeness of that of a baboon's butt. If you have ever seen a picture of a baboon's rear you will know how red it is. I do not suggest getting too close to the creature though, as they seem to have quite the plethora (love that word thank you 3 Amigos for introducing me to it in my youth!) of anger and aggression issues. But I digress...

So now the question going through my head is what other classes should I take? My gym has a plethora (squee) of classes but I am not sure which ones to jump into. I would like to have some fluffiness kicked out the door by this winter. I would like to surprise my hubs when he comes back at holiday time with a semi-appealing wife on his return. I would even like him to maybe utter "damn" in a good way?  Not in the fifth stage of fat way (see video below).

So if any of you lovely readers have suggestion for good classes pass them to this gal! Remember though I am a beginner. So at this time I think spinning may be out of the question as I fear where the bike seat may end up. I am simply being conscientious of the next rider.  So enjoy Mr. Iglesias and remember to leave a comment as I am looking for classes and... am a compliment whore.


  1. I WUB step class. I wub Gabriel Iglesias even more lol

  2. i wouldn't count out spinning. a friend of mine lost over 100lbs doing one. she loved it. me on the other hand.. i'll pass. i love pilates!
